Schmuddel- and other “Wedda” is just the thing for this knitted fleece coat from: Schmuddelwedda. Pleasantly fine jersey lining, tightly woven knitted look, high-closing collar, slightly longer shape at the back for a protected back, as well as adjustable hood and waist give cool drizzle and fresh breezes no chance. The contents of the bags also have no chance of getting lost. Fixed zippers with Schmuddelwedda label handles keep everything where it belongs - with you. No matter how active you are. The hood can take a break because sun is coming out? Integrated into the collar, it can be hidden behind a zipper. The typical Schmuddelwedda details also complement this coat. In addition to logo embroidery on the chest and silicone patch on the left sleeve, wooden beads and maritime-inspired knots decorate the drawstring cord.